
In 2013 a World Bank report on “Growth and employment in Gabonese Republic – Creating conditions for inclusive growth” came as a confirmation that Scientia was a need.

The report stated “The rate of the academic failure in Gabon was in the range of 37%”, twice higher than the African average rate and also worst rate in the world.

2 main roots causes were highlighted: large deficiencies in School Attendance and low budget allocated by state in education.


Needs / findings:

  • High school failure rate
  • No multi-year follow-up data from pupils outside the school report and school record (which is very little up-to-date and only effective for examination classes)
  • No data for daily monitoring of schooling by parents; they are therefore put on accomplished facts at the end of quarter when receiving the note note.
  • No multi-year administration and administration tool for school administration at the level of school administrations to manage administrative and educational staff, classrooms, timetables, pupils, etc.
  • No tool for multi-annual monitoring and management of schools and pupils in national education


With Scientia, we want to enable every actor in the school life to have all the information he needs in real time to work efficiently and thus ensure quality school attendance to ensure the success of each student.

The head of the institution receives in a single platform, management and monitoring of registrations, evaluations, notes, students, teachers, administrative staff, classrooms, timetables, the financial management, etc.

The platform is designed to monitor and evaluate the quality of the courses offered and the assimilation of the students. This also helps to detect and reveal potential weaknesses of students.


Teachers have the multi-year monitoring of the pupils under their responsibility, the follow-up of the courses, the follow-up of the notes, the follow-up of the evaluations, the monitoring of the classrooms, the monitoring of the schedules, etc.


Parents can follow the evolution and content of their children's classes on a daily basis. They are automatically alerted by SMS alerts of absences, scheduled evaluations, homework, grades obtained.

They are informed of their child's schedule and have the possibility to contact the administration at any time.


Scientia analyzes and treats the inserted data and thus can make suggestions to the heads of the institution in relation to the pedagogy and the quality of the courses taught by the teachers , to teachers in relation to the potential weaknesses of the pupils preventing them from assimilating a new notion and the parents in relation to the evolution of their child's schooling.


Scientia is truly the indispensable tool to guarantee at 100% the students’s academy success.


Today Scientia is fully operational in 8 schools (3 public and 5 private). Every day, we help improve the schooling of about 3000 students and the returns we have are very positive.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Digital Economy, we have launched the pilot phase of Scientia in 3 public schools and if the experience is positive, from next year we will start the implementation in all other public schools in Gabon.







Startup Stage


Number of Employees

5 to 10

Year Founded


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